Track Record and Impact Assessment
Track Record 
To 2020, eQe have:
- Been awarded the PLAY THERAPY INTERNATIONAL AWARD for our Lead Therapist’s achievements
- Run around 200 separate programmes in Wilderness Therapy and Personal Development for young people
- Directly applied our Wilderness Therapeutic Approaches with more than 3000 children and young adults in the UK
- Accredited around 400 school staff and children’s workers to run Wilderness Therapeutic Interventions
- Facilitated the ongoing Wilderness Therapeutic provision for thousands of children and young adults each year through eQe accredited and trained individuals and schools
- Recognition, Formal Listing, and Approved Provider Status with e.g. LEAs, SEND Provision, LAC Service, Adoption Support
- Created the Th.Inc Room® model, used throughout England
- Consulted for the NHS on Measuring Impact on Mental Health and Wellbeing. eQe worked with the European Centre for Environment and Human Health, producing “ROOTS TO WELLBEING- A handbook for evaluating and communicating the wellbeing impact of woodland social enterprises”
We work in many settings:
- Primary and Secondary
- Mainstream and Special Schools
- Behaviour Pupil Referral Units (PRUs)
- Hospital Teaching Service and Medical PRU Schools
- SEMH schools
- Other special provision units and schools including the Seashell Trust and Looked After Children (LAC / C4C) Service, Adoption Support.
What our children say:
- “I am going to stay focused”
- “I am not letting my mum influence me. I am leaving my hatred behind”
- “I am not angry. I am leaving my anger behind”
- “I am helpful at home for my mum”
- “I am brave”
- “I am kind”
- “I am not letting bad influences get to me. I am my own person”
Working in all 4 areas of SEND
Our Interventions are targeted for impact at specific age, ability and developmental levels, issues and diagnoses:
- Communication and Interaction
- Cognition and Learning
- SEMH (Social, Emotional and Mental Health)
- Sensory and Physical
This encompasses all children and young adults, whether everyday SEMH issues; confidence, esteem and behavioural issues; or other issues and diagnoses e.g. ASC (Autism), ADHD, MLD/SLD, SPD (Sensory Processing Disorder), Trauma, Attachment Difficulties.
eQe’s Wilderness Therapeutic Interventions and training have been impact assessed:
88% of children reduced their Total Difficulties Scores, e.g. in Externalising Behaviours (Conduct and Hyperactivity), and Internalising Behaviours (Emotional Problems and Peer Problems)
95.5% of children improved their Pro-Social Scores
eQe People have been
- Delivering professional therapeutic provision and interventions in schools since 2002
- Teaching and training people since 1998
- Working professionally with the natural environment since 1983
eQe utilises the expertise of our highly qualified, very experienced Outdoor Specialists, Wilderness Vision Quest Guides, a professional Environmental Scientist; Business Coach; Army Officers; and also the expertise of our award-winning Lead Therapist and team of Qualified Therapists and Counsellors.
All content has been carefully designed to have maximum impact, with specific objectives, groups and individuals in mind.
All of our training programmes and interventions have been developed by experienced trainers, teachers and therapists.
eQeOUTDOORS continuously develops and pioneers Wilderness Therapeutic Practice and training, targeting both children and adults.